This program supports doctoral students in the area of strategic human capital. The student participants will have passed qualifying exams and be in the process of working on their dissertation in the area of strategic human capital. The mentoring program matches junior faculty and doctoral students in small groups.
We recruit junior faculty to serve as mentors due to their recent doctoral experience, which can help provide for richer guidance and mentoring to doctoral students. We aim to have 2 faculty mentors and several doctoral students per group so that students can benefit from small group interactions with both mentors and peers.
The groups stay intact for a year, with an opportunity for participants to scramble and join another mentoring group after this time. Specifically, after one year, participants can reapply to the program to get matched into a new group or may graduate into our pre-tenure faculty mentoring program.
Doctoral mentoring groups hold conference calls twice a year (in the summer and winter, exact time determined by groups); we provide general guidance on suggested topics or groups may prioritize their own topics depending on interests.
We are starting the third year of the program in October 2021.
